American Kestrel (Falco Sparverius)

Andrew Maas, Director of Marketing and Communications | June 21, 2024

As I sit at my desk during a work-from-home day, I hear the unmistakable call—"klee klee klee!" 

Islands in the Sky—Growing NYC’s Green Infrastructure

Olivia Liang | June 21, 2024

While some see New York as a collection of skyscrapers and concrete, in truth it is a biodiversity hotspot with growing, vital green space.

President's Perch

Mike Yuan, NYC Bird Alliance Board President | June 21, 2024

As I embark on my term as president of the board of directors, I think back on the organization’s presence in my life for the past 15 years.

Birds are Everywhere: A New York City “Little Year”

Linda Ewing | June 21, 2024

Birds may be everywhere, but birders are not. An uneven distribution of bird observations underlies what Brooklyn birder Nick Dawson is calling his “little year.”

Review: Ten Birds that Changed the World

Carol Peace Robins | June 21, 2024

British naturalist Stephen Moss’s 10 Birds that Changed the World doesn’t assert that the birds themselves actually changed the world. Rather, it depicts how human interaction with them changed the course of history—often to the pronounced detriment of the birds.

Riverside Park Conservancy Completes Bird-Friendly Retrofit

NYC Bird Alliance and Riverside Park Conservancy | April 8, 2024

In March 2024, Riverside Park Conservancy completed a bird-friendly retrofit of their Peter Jay Sharp Volunteer House, in partnership with a NYC Bird Alliance consultation.

President's Perch: A Proud Farewell from Karen Benfield

Karen Benfield, NYC Bird Alliance Board President | March 6, 2024 

With spring comes growth and renewal in our City’s green spaces. As I wind down my four-year term as president, I am awed by the growth and renewal inside our organization as well, and I step down fulfilled by the privilege of being part of such magnificent expansion of urban conservation.

How Can Weather Forecasts Help Us Save Birds?

Sara Kross, PhD, Katherine Chen (NYC Bird Alliance Community Science and Outreach Manager), and Benjamin Van Doren, PhD | March 6, 2024 

Migration is a particularly dangerous journey, and it’s estimated that collisions with windows kill up to one billion birds across North America annually. NYC Bird Alliance scientists and partners have focused on this problem for decades. Now, new research on weather’s impact can make solutions more effective.

A Tale of Two Egrets

Don Riepe | March 6, 2024 

For most of my life, I lived happily at Broad Channel, Queens, with the birds outside. Until 15 years ago, when the birds started coming inside. As I sat on my dock in 2009 looking out at Jamaica Bay, a beautiful white Great Egret landed at my house and soon, my new friend Egor the egret would stop by nearly every day for a snack. 

2023 Christmas Bird Count Soars to New Heights

Carol Peace Robins | March 5, 2024 

The 124th Annual Christmas Bird Count, which took place on December 17, 2023, was a historic one for NYC Bird Alliance. Not only did we have a record 400 registered volunteer counters, but for the first time in the Count's history, a green roof was included in the festivities. Carol Peace Robins recounts the historic day at Hudson Yards. 

Share Your Feedback on Top Five Name Choices

NYC Bird Alliance will soon choose a new name that is inclusive and represents our focus on bird conservation. We have some exciting news to share with the public about the process! We're down to five possible name choices. 

2023 Harbor Herons Report: A Q&A

Olivia Liang | January 8, 2024

NYC Bird Alliance’s annual Harbor Herons Nesting Survey has monitored and protected these birds since 1982. To get a behind-the-scenes look at this year’s data collection, NYC Bird Alliance sat down with Tod Winston, our Urban Biodiversity Specialist and creator of the 2023 State of the Harbor Herons, and Dr. Shannon Curley, PhD, our Harbor Herons Nesting Survey Coordinator.

Syrinx Spotlight: PSF Volunteer, Photographer & High-School Senior Winston Qin

Olivia Liang | December 4, 2023

Winston Qin is a gifted photographer, an aspiring engineer, a lifelong bird enthusiast, a Project Safe Flight volunteer… and a high school senior. Meet this exceptional teenager devoted to protecting our City’s wild birds. 

NYC Bird Alliance's Birdy Holiday Gift Guide

NYC Bird Alliance Staff | December 1, 2023
The holiday season is here and the NYC Bird Alliance staff has put together our best and birdiest list of gift recommendations! We have 15 amazing recommendations that are sure to win over the cheery cardinals, weird ducks, and even the grumpy grackles of your life. Happy holidays and happy birding! 

Small Wins. Big Impact.

Olivia Liang | November 10, 2023
"We understand that the New York we’re in today is not the New York we all grew up in. What is our responsibility?"

A Q&A with NYC Bird Alliance’s new Director of Advocacy and Engagement, Saman Mahmood. 

Remembering Betty Hamilton

It is with sadness NYC Bird Alliance reports the passing of Betty Hamilton on September 14, 2023, at the age of 99. Betty was a friend, colleague, and active leader with NYC Bird Alliance from the very beginning. We are pleased to share these remembrances of Betty from NYC Bird Alliance’s past organizational leaders. 

9/11 Memorial Shines a Spotlight on Risks to Birds

Katherine Chen | October 5, 2023
For over 20 years, NYC Bird Alliance scientists have monitored the 9/11 Tribute in Light. This year was particularly hazardous for birds.

Bird's Eye View: Summer 2023

Jessica G. Wilson, Executive Director | June 1, 2023
Executive Director Jessica G. Wilson shares her excitement about the future of NYC Bird Alliance in light of the board's recent decision to change the organization's name, and how she has been inspired by the organization's work to center Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in all of its work across conservation, advocacy, engagement. 

César Andrés Castillo, 1980-2023: A Remembrance

Donna Schulman | March 5, 2023
César A. Castillo, a beloved member of the City's birding community and an adjunct professor of biology and senior laboratory technician at Queen College, passed away from an illness on March 1, 2023. César was a passionate naturalist and a valued member of NYC Bird Alliance's board of directors who generously shared his love of nature with others. We are grateful to be able to share this tribute to César, penned by fellow Queens County Bird Club member Donna L. Schulman.

NYC Bird Alliance to Change Name

Andrew Maas | March 22, 2023
The board of directors of NYC Bird Alliance, a leading urban conservation organization, announced today that it will change its name as part of its continuing commitment to being an inclusive organization that is welcoming to all New Yorkers.

Marcia Fowle Takes Flight

Lauren Klingsberg | February 27, 2023:
Since Marcia T. Fowle joined NYC Bird Alliance as its first executive director in 1992, she's supported the organization in too many additional ways to count, including roles as president of the board of directors, longtime co-editor of The Urban Audubon, and co-chair of both the advisory council and Fall Roost committee. Learn about Marcia's many contributions to our organization as we wish her and her husband, bird-friendly architect and longtime NYC Bird Alliance supporter Bruce Fowle, a happy move to their new home in Vermont. 

Birding while Busy

Hillarie O'Toole | February 27, 2023: 
Excited about spring migration, but don't know how you'll find the time? You're not alone. Get tips on how to fit birding into your busy daily life.

A Letter from Our New Executive Director

Jessica G. Wilson  |  Feb 2, 2022: 
Hear from new NYC Bird Alliance Executive Director Jessica Wilson as she reflects on her longstanding connection with NYC Bird Alliance, what she has learned in her first week on the job, and challenges and opportunities ahead for the organization. 

Meet NYC Bird Alliance's Next Executive Director, Jessica Wilson

NYC Bird Alliance | Jan 20, 2022: 
NYC Bird Alliance is delighted to welcome Jessica Wilson as its next Executive Director. Jessica will begin her new role on January 27, 2022, and has been working in transition with the organization’s Board of Directors and Kathryn Heintz, who retired as Executive Director in December 2021. A lifelong New Yorker and birder, Jessica comes to NYC Bird Alliance with deep experience in fundraising and community engagement. Learn all about Jessica in our latest blog post!

One Year Later: Reflection on Chris Cooper's Racist Encounter in Central Park and George Floyd's Murder

NYC Bird Alliance | May 25, 2021: 
Today marks the anniversary of Christian Cooper’s morning encounter with Amy Cooper and her off-leash dog in Central Park. Later that same day one year ago, George Floyd was murdered—and the public’s awareness of the racism that Chris experienced contributed to a nationwide groundswell of support for the Black Lives Matter movement. As we recognize the passage of a year’s time since 5-25-20, we ask you to join with us in reflecting on its importance. We must work towards a day when Black and Brown people feel safe and welcome in the outdoors and public spaces more generally.