Share Your Feedback on Top Five Name Choices

Graphic: NYC Bird Alliance

Andrew Maas | February 5, 2024

As many already know, NYC Bird Alliance decided to drop "Audubon" from its name last spring and will soon choose a new name that is inclusive and represents our focus on bird conservation. We have some exciting news to share with the public about the process! 

We're down to five possible name choices. Throughout 2023, we collected hundreds of suggestions for new names from members, supporters, volunteers, program participants, and others. We’ve also considered the names that chapters across the nation are choosing as they come up with new names.

Our Name Change Task Force has narrowed down the choices to these top five names: 

  • Birds Connect NYC
  • Birds for All NYC (or NYC Birds for All)
  • Birds NYC (or NYC Birds)
  • NYC Bird Alliance
  • NYC Bird Conservancy

We want to hear from you! We have invited our organization’s diverse array of stakeholders—from our thousands of volunteers to our expert bird guides to our many partner organizations—to share their feedback as well. Based on all the input we receive, plus any marketing, legal, and administrative considerations, our task force will present two final names to our board of directors, who will decide the name in late March. Learn more about our name change process here.

Thanks to the many members and supporters who attended our special webinar on January 23 and shared input about those five choices. You can view a recording of our Name Change presentation here. If you would like to provide feedback on our top five name choices, please use this google form by February 15, 2024. We consider each and every bit of feedback provided to us along this journey.

What’s next in the name change process? Based on all the input we receive over the next month, as well as marketing, legal, and administrative considerations, our task force will present two final names to our board of directors, who will decide our new name in late March. Stay tuned for more information! 


Andrew Maas
Director of Marketing and Communications