Report Bird Collisions with dBird
In 2014 we added an important tool to Project Safe Flight: An online crowd-sourcing data collection tool, dBird provides a way for the public to enter records of dead and injured birds, contributing to our Project Safe Flight research. NYC Bird Alliance staff analyzes these reports in order to integrate and relate these results with existing Project Safe Flight research. Crowd-sourced data can help to provide context and guidance for more scientifically rigorous research efforts, such as the traditional collision monitoring protocols.
If you find a dead or injured bird, please submit a report through dBird! It takes only a minute, and if you are using a smartphone, you can save even more time by having your location entered automatically via GPS.
dBird can be used anywhere in the world, and over 55 other organizations across the U.S. are using this data to help further bird collisions research! Visit the “About” section on to learn how you can sign up your organization to gain access to dBird data and help your organization study the causes of bird mortality.
dBird can be used anywhere in the world, and over 55 other organizations across the U.S. are using this data to help further bird collisions research! Visit the “About” section on to learn how you can sign up your organization to gain access to dBird data and help your organization study the causes of bird mortality.
See Bird Collision Data on Our dBird Map
Below you can see a frequently updated map of the data already submitted this year through dBird. View specific entries by placing your mouse over each data point on the map.

NYC Bird Alliance's conservation programs are made possible by the leadership support of the Leon Levy Foundation.