Green Roof Researchers Alliance
The green roof of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. Photo: Dustin Partridge
In 2017, NYC Bird Alliance convened a working group of green roof researchers at the request of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The new group’s aim: to provide accurate information on the benefits of green roofs and to broaden awareness of green roofs among decision-makers and the public, in order to accelerate green roof installation across the City. The resulting collaboration, the Green Roof Researchers Alliance (GRRA), has spurred innovative research collaborations, created a database of green roofs in New York City, launched an annual conference and online information hub, and established working relationships with government policymakers.
The GRRA includes 60 experts from 20 institutions, working in close collaboration to better understand green roof function and develop best practices that can help resource managers, land-use planners, government entities, researchers, and businesses to install wildlife-friendly and climate-resilient green roofs in and around New York City. To learn more about the GRRA, green roofs, and to explore green roofs in New York City, visit the Green Roof Researchers Alliance website or contact Managing Director Dustin Partridge, PhD, at

Since its inception, the collaborative efforts of the GRRA have led to numerous accomplishments in green roof outreach, science, and legislation. Outreach efforts include our annual conference, The State of Green Roofs in NYC, held during climate week; workshops and seminars held throughout the year to explain green roof benefits and current legislation; and, an unbiased and comprehensive resource for learning about green roofs. To enhance green roof research, the GRRA has fostered collaboration, provided a series of mini-grants, and created a database of green roofs in New York City for use by researchers.
Legislatively, in 2019, the GRRA was instrumental in the passage of Local Laws 92 & 94, part of the New York City Climate Mobilization Act, which require that all new buildings or roof replacements have green roofs and/or solar panels, and in the creation and passage of a new and improved green roof tax abatement that prioritizes vulnerable areas in New York City.
Visit the Green Roof Researchers Alliance website for all the latest information on Green Roofs in New York City.

Contact the Green Roof Researchers Alliance
To facilitate collaboration, the GRRA functions through six focus groups: Mapping, Biodiversity and Monitoring, Environmental Properties, Outreach, Policy & Incentivizing, and Education.
Danielle Spiegel-Feld - Policy and Incentivizing
Matt Palmer – Biodiversity and Monitoring
Franco Montalto – Environmental Properties
Timon McPhearson – Outreach
Mike Treglia – Mapping

The Green Roof Researchers Alliance is funded by The New York Community Trust, A.P.J. O’Connor Fund, and the LuEsther T. Mertz Fund