Bryant Park

A Prothonotary Warbler takes a rest in Bryant Park. Photo: Avi Lewis

Birding Highlights by the Season

(no star = birding is not very productive, * = somewhat productive, ** = productive, *** = very productive)
Spring Migration** 
American Woodcock; woodpeckers; warblers, vireos, tanagers, orioles, and other songbirds; occasional oddities such as nightjars or rails
Nearby nesting Peregrine Falcons; early migrants in late summer (August)
Fall Migration** 
American Woodcock; woodpeckers; warblers, tanagers, orioles, sparrows, and other songbirds; occasional oddities such as nightjars or rails
Mixed sparrow and junco flocks; occasional lingering songbirds or American Woodcock; occasional vagrant flycatchers or songbirds
Year-Round Highlights
Red-tailed Hawk, possible Peregrine Falcon and American Kestrel

Get Oriented

Bryant Park is the quintessential “postage-stamp” park: a 9.603-acre square of land located in midtown Manhattan between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, and between 40th and 42nd Streets. Although the main branch of the New York Public Library is technically located within the park, the library building forms the park's functional eastern boundary, making Sixth Avenue the park's primary entrance. 
The park is managed by the private not-for-profit corporation Bryant Park Corporation, which oversaw a major renovation in the 1980s. During this renovation, which followed a period of deterioration and disuse, the Public Library’s stacks were constructed underneath the park itself as the Park was restored above. Bryant Park has since become a popular lunchtime spot and hosts a range of programming from concerts to tours to film screenings. During the winter months, the park is home to a holiday market and ice skating rink. And particularly during spring and fall migration, all this activity is accompanied by a continuous presence of both birds and birders.

This Connecticut Warbler made itself at home in Bryant Park. Photo: Anders Peltomaa/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 "}" data-trix-content-type="undefined" class="attachment attachment--content"> This Connecticut Warbler made itself at home in Bryant Park. Photo: Anders Peltomaa/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Birding Tours of Bryant Park

 Over the last fifteen or so years that birders have been regularly visiting the park and keeping accessible records, 133 species of birds have been seen here, including an impressive 32 species of warbler and 15 species of sparrow. Compare this to the 255 species recorded in Central Park—slightly fewer than half as many species, in a park that is just over 1/100 the size! Highlights have included a startling variety of species for such a small park: Sora, Great Egret, Red-shouldered and Broad-winged Hawk, Northern Harrier, Least and Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, and Nelson’s Sparrow—not to mention coveted Cerulean, Mourning, Blackburnian, Prothonotary, and Connecticut Warblers. 
In a partnership between NYC Bird Alliance and Bryant Park Corporation, NYC Bird Alliance guide and naturalist Gabriel Willow leads biweekly walks both spring and fall. These popular walks have turned up a wide variety of species ranging from unexpected visitors such as a Green Heron and Chuck-Will’s-widow roosting in branches of the London Plane trees lining the park, to regular sightings of normally shy woodland birds such as American Woodcock and Ovenbird, sometimes walking within inches of observers’ feet, or under the tables of oblivious lunchers.

A Chuck-will’s-widow preens atop a London Plane tree branch, high above the hubbub of Bryant Park. Photo: Amanda/CC BY-NC 2.0 "}" data-trix-content-type="undefined" class="attachment attachment--content"> A Chuck-will’s-widow preens atop a London Plane tree branch, high above the hubbub of Bryant Park. Photo: Amanda/CC BY-NC 2.0

The Best Birding Spots of Bryant Park

 You can enter the park most easily from the southern, western, or northern sides. (NYC Bird Alliance’s birding tours meet at the Birding Tour sign at the 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue entrance to the park. Don’t fret if you miss the start, however. The park is small enough that a quick walk around the park should allow you to spot the group.)
The most productive areas for birding tend to be the perennial borders surrounding the lawn. A surprising number of birds can hide in this limited habitat, and careful searching may reveal American Woodcock feeding or sleeping under shrubs, and sparrows and warblers in the undergrowth. It is also worth scanning the canopy of the London Plane trees for warblers, orioles, tanagers, and flycatchers gleaning insects in the treetops. The trees are uniformly tall, and it can be a challenge to find birds hidden in the foliage.

A Nelson’s Sparrow stopped by in Bryant Park. Photo: François Portmann "}" data-trix-content-type="undefined" class="attachment attachment--content"> A Nelson’s Sparrow stopped by in Bryant Park. Photo: François Portmann

One particularly productive spot is a little maintenance area at the southeast corner of the park, in front of the Bryant Park Grill. You’ll find a small stone building, and a fenced-off area where the park stores tools, extra chairs, and other supplies. You can peek (but not venture) over the hedges surrounding this area and often find birds gathered in this relatively protected spot, bathing in rainwater that collects in flower pots and on tarps.
The front of the library (along Fifth Avenue) can be productive as well. On either side of the library entrance, there are two stands of honey locust trees (a native species, although these are thorn-less cultivars). These locust trees attract yellow-bellied sapsuckers, a species of migratory woodpecker that drills shallow holes in tree trunks and laps up the sap that trickles out. Their sap-wells in turn attract warblers, kinglets, and occasionally hummingbirds. On one memorable bird walk, 13 species of warbler were found in these trees at once.
During summer and winter, Bryant Park is somewhat quieter, birding-wise, as only the trifecta of ubiquitous nonnative urban birds nest here: Rock Pigeons, European Starlings, and House sparrows. A pair of Peregrine Falcons does nest on a nearby skyscraper, however. And every year a few native birds find their way to the park and spend part of the winter here, joining flocks of wintering White-throated Sparrows and offering close-up views: unusual past winter visitors have included Yellow-breasted Chat, Lincoln’s Sparrow, and Ovenbird.

Watch overhead for Peregrine Falcons, which nest near Bryant Park. Photo: François Portmann "}" data-trix-content-type="undefined" class="attachment attachment--content"> Watch overhead for Peregrine Falcons, which nest near Bryant Park. Photo: François Portmann

Working Together to Protect Our Migrating Birds

 Bryant Park participates in NYC Bird Alliance’s Project Safe Flight program. The park’s sanitation crew reports dead or injured birds in the park to NYC Bird Alliance conservation staff, who then enter the findings into dBird, our online database of dead or injured birds found by the public. (To learn more about dBird, click here.)
Bryant Park also participates in NYC Bird Alliance’s Lights Out New York program. During the spring and fall migration, Bryant Park turns out the spotlights illuminating the park at night so that birds may fly safely.

The beautiful Rock Pigeon, a European import sometimes overlooked by birders (and maligned in general), is very much at home in Bryant Park. Photo: Loren Chipman/CC BY-NC 2.0 "}" data-trix-content-type="undefined" class="attachment attachment--content"> The beautiful Rock Pigeon, a European import sometimes overlooked by birders (and maligned in general), is very much at home in Bryant Park. Photo: Loren Chipman/CC BY-NC 2.0

Park History

During its long history, Bryant Park’s land has served as a potter’s field (a burial ground for unknown or indigent people); as “Reservoir Square” (adjacent to the elevated Croton Reservoir, which was itself situated on the land now occupied by the Public Library); the site of the “Crystal Palace” and Latting Observatory; and an encampment site for Union troops during the Civil War. In 1884, the land was renamed Bryant Park to honor recently deceased Romantic poet, longtime editor of the New York Evening Post, and civic reformer William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878). 
The park’s current classical design only dates to 1934, when it reopened following years of closure due to construction of the IRT subway line. (A contemporary article in The New Yorker remarked that in the previous fourteen years "Bryant Park has been closed to the public for half of that time on account they were digging in it..." also calling it one of the most "badgered and turned-up lots in the world"). A design by Queens architect Lusby Simpson was executed under the leadership of Parks Commissioner Robert Moses with the aid of consulting architect Aymar Embury II and landscape architect Gilmore D. Clarke, and the park reopened to the public on September 14, 1934.

An American Woodcock and White-throated Sparrow go about their business under the shrubbery of Bryant Park. Photo: François Portmann "}" data-trix-content-type="undefined" class="attachment attachment--content"> An American Woodcock and White-throated Sparrow go about their business under the shrubbery of Bryant Park. Photo: François Portmann

When to Go

To learn about bird migration times and get other timing tips, see the When to Bird in NYC guide on our Birding 101 page.

For Bryant Park operating hours, see the “Directions and Visiting Info” section, below.


View eBird hotspot records for Bryant Park to explore recent bird sightings, species bar charts, a map of other nearby hotspots, and more.

Personal Safety

Bryant Park can be a busy park, particularly during the peak hours of lunchtime and after work. Birders should be sure to stay alert to pedestrian flow throughout the park, especially when using binoculars.
The park has retained many of its historic architectural features such as the balustrades. Park-goers should not sit or stand on these for their own personal safety and for the preservation of the park. Birders should feel free to use the available seating throughout the tour if needed.

Guided Bird Walks

NYC Bird Alliance’s spring and fall birding tours are normally held twice weekly, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Spring tours usually commence around the second week of April and end around the third week of May. Fall tours typically begin in mid-September and conclude in late October. Visit our Local Trips page for information on other upcoming walks led by NYC Bird Alliance.

Directions and Visiting Info

Bryant Park is situated behind the New York Public Library in midtown Manhattan, between 40th and 42nd Streets and Fifth and Sixth Avenues. View a Google Map to Bryant Park.

Subway: Take the B, D, F, or M train to 42nd Street/Bryant Park, the 7 to 5th Avenue, or the 1,2,3, S, N, Q, or R trains to Times Square-42nd Street. 
Visit the Bryant Park Corporation website for operating hours, comprehensive directions, a park map, and additional background information. 
View the NYC Parks page for Bryant Park for additional information.morningsidehs