
NYC Bird Alliance was founded as NYC Audubon in 1979 by a group of passionate bird- and nature-lovers who volunteered their time to protect bird habitat in Central Park’s Ramble. The organization has now grown to include a full-time professional staff that oversees conservation and outreach campaigns in all five boroughs of New York City; however, much of our work is still carried out by thousands of dedicated volunteers. Our volunteers monitor buildings for bird collisions with windows; count horseshoe crabs, waterbirds, and wintering birds; write articles for our newsletter and blog; donate photography; and serve on our board of directors, advisory council, and young conservationist council.
A volunteer joins NYC staff to monitor the 9/11 Tribute in Light memorial for birds trapped in the light beams. Photo: NYC Bird Alliance
A volunteer joins NYC staff to monitor the 9/11 Tribute in Light memorial for birds trapped in the light beams. Photo: NYC Bird Alliance
A volunteer counts and records Atlantic horseshoe crabs in Jamaica Bay. Photo: Petra Kipke
A volunteer counts and records Atlantic horseshoe crabs in Jamaica Bay. Photo: Petra Kipke
NYC Bird Alliance’s Young Conservationists Council hosts Trivia Night at the Ditty. Photo: NYC Bird Alliance
NYC Bird Alliance’s Young Conservationists Council hosts Trivia Night at the Ditty. Photo: NYC Bird Alliance
In 2024, over 1,000 New Yorkers volunteered their time and energy with NYC Bird Alliance to help birds. We acknowledge their dedicated efforts below. If you volunteered during this time period and your name is not on this list, please let us know at volunteer@nycbirdalliance.org. We want to make sure you receive the recognition you deserve.

Orientations for NYC Bird Alliance's volunteer programs are scheduled throughout the year. Learn about current volunteer opportunities with NYC Bird Alliance.
Collision monitors Fruzsina Agocs (left) and Hilary Berliner (right) sort through dead and injured birds found in a single morning in downtown Manhattan. Photo: Winston Qin
Collision monitors Fruzsina Agocs (left) and Hilary Berliner (right) sort through dead and injured birds found in a single morning in downtown Manhattan. Photo: Winston Qin
Project Safe Flight
For over 25 years, NYC Bird Alliance’s Project Safe Flight has worked to make the City safer for the millions of birds that migrate through each spring and fall. Collisions with windows are a huge cause of bird mortality in the City, killing as many as a quarter million birds per year, according to our research. Those local research findings, which have fueled our successful advocacy efforts to pass the City's landmark bird-friendly building law in 2019 and important Lights Out Legislation in 2021, have been collected largely by NYC Bird Alliance’s community scientists. These dedicated volunteers patrol the City streets looking for collision victims and ensure that any injured birds have the best chance of recovery. 

Collision Monitors

Collision Monitoring volunteers walk a determined route known to be dangerous to birds and record any collision victims found, adding their findings to the Project Safe Flight database. 

Alyssa Abed Fruzsina Agocs Karen Alroy Divya Anantharaman Caroline Andersen Rowan Benda Hilary Berliner Gitanjali Bhattacharjee Rebecca Bojar Michelle Bonfils August Boose Lindsay Brett Melissa Breyer Rebecca Bronstein Kristine Bruch Alyssa Bueno Jennifer Burko Jenn Burland Craig Camara Tracey Chan Iris Chang Kevin Chau Gigi Chen Esther Choi Christine Cieslak Jemimah Cochrane Haley Collins Robert Coover Sunny Corrao Alexandra Coveleski Joseph Criollo Abigail Cundiff Monica Cuoco Tara Daino Allison Davidoff Heather Davidson Danny DiMarino Lisa Dolin Catherine Dong Tammy Douglas Mary Drugan Elenna Dunham Laure Dunham Siobhan Dunne Emily Edmonds-Langham Sarah Edmunds Julian Elman Molly Eustis Hannah Fagin Tom Fedorek Jessica Felrice Katherine Figueroa Dawn Fischer Matthew Fischer Maya Fitzstephens James Flood Roberts Judith Fox-Miller Corey Frost Asher Fusco Sylvia Gan Carla Garcia Andrew Garn Madeleine George Kathryn Getzewich Monica Gierada Deborah Goldberg Ellen Goldstein Mallory Gong Yesenia Gonzaga Kira Grant Darvia Grayson Marc Grayson Amanda Green Sarah Griffin Pamela Gross Frances Hall Logan (Claire) Hankla Ben Hatch Emily Hayflick Johanna-Rain Heimberger Molly Heit Michael Henry Rachel Hertzman Jia En Ho Breck Hostetter Cecil Howell Peggy Hsieh Noah Hyleck Piero Iberti Luca Inamoto-Martinez Mark Ionis Alex Israel Madeline Jones Dilpreet Kainth Hitomi Kakuda Nick Kaledin Henry Kelley Kerry Kiang Jon Kielty Lucy Kilgore Inhi (Clara) Kim Takako Kobayashi Eunice Kokor Linda LaBella Darcie LaFarge Barbara Langlois Liliane Leclercq Eva Lee Hang Lei Laura Leopardo Mercedes Li Tina Li Barbara Lilliston Laura Lincks Avery Liu Kevin Lovingood Lei Lu Colin Macdonald Justyna Maks Lucia Reyes Manzano Gomez Patrick Markee Madeleine Marrin Paola Martinez Katie McCarthy Shane McGrogan Bat McLellan Mayra Melendez Mariela Mendoza Elaine Rita Mendus Shannon Mich Brad Mielke Frederica Miller Barbara Mistler Jenny Mitchell Jenny Monick Lauren (Ren) Moreau James Morrison Jean Musacchio Sophia Musahl Michelle Ng Du Emily Nichols Sanaz Nosrat Edwin O'Brien Eoin O’Mara Jenny Osman John Outhwaite Julie Owen Hanft Gene Palmer Jessii Parham Amanda Parsels Rahil Patel Kenneal Patterson Ivanna Patton Adrienne Paule Jocelyn Perez Eva Perez de Vega Samantha Philbert Elizabeth Powers Jeannette Price Farhan Pushan Sally Qiao Winston Qin Amanda Raker Suzanne Ramoutar Farzana Ramzan Carolyn Reich Suzanne Reisel Andrew Reiter Ilene Richman Nina Riddel Indra Rodies Miles Ross Anthony Russo Wing Yan Sang Ashley-Luisa Santangelo Chelsea Schafer Florian Schalliol Claire Schlaikjer Alicia Schleifman Jay Schlyer Gillian Schmitt Kimberly Schwab Lisa Schwartz Matilda Seo Brittany Shaw Kimmie Shek Xian Sheng Erica Shires Hayley Slusser Katherine Spack Cara Stofa Stephane Sykes Yasmin Tavares Diana Teeter Alexandra Tey Emma Thurau Audrey Trainor Joyce Turiskylie Alexander Udis Patricia Valdez Annette Veliz Nicole Vergalla Geneva Vest Debra Vilen Megs Wacha Arden Walentowski Alan Weeks Hendrik Weideman Karen Weingarten Susan Werman Levy Alice Winkler Matthew Wojcik Sophie Wood James Wu Stephanie Young Ariel Yuan Yuan Yuan Stephanie Yung Renee Zalles Christopher Zavelo Zhiyi Zhang Emily Zhou Sophia Zhou

Injured Bird Response Team, Injured Bird Transporters, and Raptors NYC Group

NYC Bird Alliance's Injured Bird Response Team and Injured Bird Transporters cooperate with the independent Raptors NYC Group to ensure that young and injured birds across the City get the help they need. See current opportunities to participate here.

Irina Adams Tori Adams Maggie Ambrosino Divya Anantharaman Lisa Anderson Adrienne Angelo Zoe Anthony-Redman Amy Aversa Didi Aydemir Hallie Ayres Katherine Bannigan Nadilyn Beato Jessica Beck Cory Bee Ian Bell Rowan Benda Anita Bergman Marina Berry Lyubov Bogdanova MaryJane Boland Kiera Bono Jennifer Books Victoria Booth Laura Brantley Hayden Brockett Martha Brodylo Jennifer Brown Donegal Browne Claudia Brumbaugh Philip Burke Dana Burns Andrew Calise Craig Camara Carole Campbell Julian Candela Mari Carlesimo Zoe Chan Ben Charland Sheila Chellgren Selina Chen Shimeng Cheng Esther Choi Amanda Clark Christa Clay Emily Colavito DJ Colwell Amy Coombs Hector Cordero Ariel Cordova-Rojas Jules Corkery Emme Cox Linda Cruze Joseph Czeisel Natalia D'Orio D'Orio Margaret Dabaie Jade Daru Catherine Daudier Andrew Deng Jose Diaz Carina Don Chloe Drimal Molly Durawa Alexandra Durham Eric Durkin Emily Einhorn Christine Fajen Colleen Farrell Annie Fell Sandy Fiebelkorn Katherine Figueroa Senka Filipovic Mary Flaherty Rachel Frank Miles Franklin Matthew Fritze Andrew Garn Gregory Giantsos Arden Gill Rebekah Gingrich Fred Gladis Barbara Glover Stephanie Golden Lily Gradante Joan Grady Olivia Greco Amanda Green Kathryn Gretzewich Patricia Grew Martha Grieco Katharine Grimes Pamela Gross Betsy Gude Cynthia Guile Margaret Haigney Anita Haravon Charlotte Harding Ashley Harris Megan Harris Phil Harris Peggy Herron Tristan A. Higginbotham Rebecca Hinde Carla Hojaiban Gloria Hong David Hopp Bobby Horvath Cathy Horvath Evelyn Huang Orson Huggett Travis Huggett Olivia Innamarato Christine Jackson Jairus James Dahlia Japhet Elisa Jara Brandon Jennings Wooyo Jin Emily Johnson Lynn Johnson Dilpreet Kainth Hitomi Kakuda Suriya Kandaswamy Simar Kapoor Laura Karol Ghanim Khalil Jon Kielty Lucy Kilgore Michelle Knoernschild Jeffrey Kollbrunner Justin Koplin Alyssa Koutellos Jonathan Kovacs Jeff Kraus Chris Kreussling Laura Kronbichler April Lang Kathy Lee Pilar Leon Charlotte Lesnick Katie Leung Jenna Levendosky Paulina Leyva Jessica Licciardello Cyril Lim Olivia Limone Laura Lincks Karin Littlefield Vivian Littlefield Mia Logan Tom Loizeaux Reynard Loki Alexandra Lopez Reitzes Marisa Mace Justyna Maksimiuk Angelina Martinez-Rubio Rob Mastrianni Virginia Matney Elise Mazzetti Marco Mazzocco Jane McAndrew Meghan McCarthy Ali McGrath Ritamary McMahon Calista McRae Geraldo Mecja Anna Mejorada Meredith Mendelsohn Siobhán Michael Andrea Michaud Hannah Miller Kristopher Mirasola Leslie Mireille Rosemary Misdary Arslan I. Mohamed Sarah Mollo-Christensen Jenny Monick Ren Moreau Eileen Mullaney-Newman Christine Mun Genevieve Nelson Destiny Nguyen Linda Nikolakos Gabriela Nikolov Rico Elizabeth Norman James O'Brien Eoin O'Mara Jenny Olsen Jessii Parham Woosung Park Amanda Parsels Lucie Pascarosa Mark Pastore Daisy Paul Spencer Pazer Kate Peck Thu Lan Perales Samantha Philbert Sharon R Philips Dan Polgardy Jeffrey Poomkudy Catherine Popper François Portmann Winston Qin Catherine Quayle Rhys Randlett Ishani Ray Leah Reilly Andrew Reiter Peter Richter Deborah Rivel Larissa Roark Diana Rodin Lynn Rogan Rachel Rosen Kellye Rosenheim Diane Rostyak Helene Rutledge Sumra Sajid Ruben Saldana Nicole Sammon Viviana Sanchez Barbara Saunders Casey Schadie Sydney Schaffer Jay Schleyer Robert Schmunk Meril Schulman Emma Schwarz Kim Scottaline Vicki Seabrook Amanda Seaquist Carol Seferi Daniel Seferi Karina Segal Andrea Segura Helen Shaskan Kimmie Shek Lilienne Shore Kilgore-Brown Elodie Sibony Junah Sibony Jimena Silva Richard Simon Colleen Smith Sarah Soffer Max Soo Jennie Spector Naomi Spencer Laurie Spiegel Rebecca Spitzer Neil Steinkamp Merrill Sterritt Heather Stewart Meredith Strickland Katie Stromme Jia Hui Tan Mary Tannen Amber Taylor Diana Teeter Shaindel Tomasovitch Nathan Tripp Michelle Tsai Joyce Turiskylie Elise Upchurch Rebecca VanderKooi Samantha Vazquez Judith Velosky Jay Venero Emmanuelle Vernhes Nina Webb Leo Wexler-Mann Grant Wheeler Chiquita Wilder Nia William Diana Wong Lu Wu Rain Wu Bibi Yasseen Amy Randall Yee Victor Yin D. Bruce Yolton Wendy Yu-Schroeder Jessica Zavalunova Christopher Zavelo Aria Zhang Jenny Zhang Ashley Zimmerman Christina

We also thank rehabilitators Wild Bird Fund and Wildlife In Need of Rescue and Rehabilitation and rescue group New York City Pigeon Rescue Central for their ongoing heroic efforts to help New York City's birds.

Tribute in Light Monitoring

NYC Bird Alliance staff and volunteers monitor the Tribute in Light memorial each year to ensure that unnecessary harm does not come to thousands of migrating birds attracted to the Tribute’s light beams. This project is conducted in cooperation with longtime partners Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Michael Ahern Production Services, and The National September 11 Memorial & Museum.

Brent Bomkamp Sara Crosby Shannon Curley Jacob Ford Doug Gochfeld Steven Harris Tim Healy Patrick Markee Elias Markee-Ratner José Ramírez-Garofalo Lili Taylor Debra Vilen Gabriel Willow
Great Egret chick. Photo: NYC Bird Alliance
Great Egret chick. Photo: NYC Bird Alliance
Waterbirds of New York Harbor
NYC Bird Alliance's Waterbirds of New York Harbor program studies and protects a great variety of species that depend on vulnerable urban habitats: the harbor's wild islands host nesting egrets, herons, and ibis, and gulls, while its sandy beaches and marshes provide both breeding and migratory foraging grounds for endangered waterbirds like terns, skimmers, and sandpipers. With the help of a highly skilled volunteer corps that includes biologists, naturalists, and community scientists, NYC Bird Alliance studies these local populations and uses the knowledge gleaned for their protection, restoration, and management. 

Harbor Herons Nesting Survey and Waterbird Banding

NYC Bird Alliance's annual Harbor Herons Nesting Surveys help us determine which waterbird species or habitats need protection, while banding of wading birds, beach-nesting birds, and migratory shorebirds helps us to understand the challenges facing these species and determine best management practices.

Emelia Alken-Hafner Daniel Chi Christine Cieslak Maryann Conigliaro Georgina Cullman Lianne D'Arcy Sean Dobson Dee Dee Elbieh Mike Feller Hannah Flood Daniela Font Tracy Harrison Tristan Higginbotham Amber Krauss Winnie Lin Amelia Mead Rosemary Misdary Madison Moore Michele Neptune Ellen Pehek Alexis Pristina Samm Ragsdale José Ramírez-Garofalo Jon Richardson Prat Shetty Jerold Shrikissoon Santiago Tobon

Horseshoe Crab Monitoring

Every spring, NYC Bird Alliance community science volunteers visit Jamaica Bay beaches to count and tag spawning Atlantic Horseshoe Crabs, the eggs of which are a critical food source for migrating shorebirds.

Becca Albee Sahal Ali Ronnie Almonte Cal Alsop Divya Anantharaman Zach Arguelles Charlotte Astley Lucrecia Ayala Hallie Ayres Caelan Bailey Zach Bailey Jose Barba Paula Bard Sage Bard Gilbert Ken Baron Charles Barraza Nyrah Beckford Marc Benda Rowan Benda Katie Bertness Robert Bevilacqua Harry Boardman Rachel Boeglin Kai Bonacorso August Boose Ricardo Botero Trujillo Caroline Boykin Gillian Brassil Dawn Brekke Ryan Brenner Max Bronsnick Vonda Brunsting Adam Bueno Crystal Bueno Penelope Bustamante Jeff Cacossa Riley Calero Bridget Casey Denise Cassia Avalon Chew Daniel Chi Andrea Chiovari-Kaplan John Christman Adder Chu Tono Cisneros Albert Cohen Frances Cohen Ilana Cohen Ally Cong Brittany Cong Wylie Conlon Robert Coover Mavis Corcoran Sean Corcoran Sunny Corrao Hannah Cui Henry Dalzell Stephanie Damoff Eli Dardis Sydney Daugherty Andy Davila Barbara Davis Hannah Davis Allison Day Abigail Dean Connor Dean Christine DeMauro Janel diBiccari Michael Diem Gina Duclayan Janie Dumbleton Kate Dwyer Maximilian Ehrenthal Stefan Ehrenthal Valentin Ehrenthal Jason Eppink Lauren Esposito Charles Falivena Leo Falivena Annabel Finkel Lily Forest Rachel Frank Anna Freedman Sabine Frid-Bernards Daniel Fry Dorothy Fyfe Meighan Gale Jacqueline Garlock Christina Geiger Marnie Geltman Nathaniel Geltman Samuel Geltman Kendall George Simona Gheorghiu Ezra Goren Mars Gorman Jonathan Green Noa Greenwell Angela Gu Dana Haile Denise Halpin Alicia Halpin Ortiz Marguez Hargrave Sabrina Hargrave Lauren Hargraves Danilo Harms Maliya Harris Maya Harris Othniel Harris Tu Harris Zian Harris Larissa Hayden Elaina Heaton Guo-Qing Heaton James Heaton Molly Heit Ariana Hellerman Taylor Hicks Aly Hilgefort Jia-En Ho Gwynne Hogan Maziar Hosseinzadeh Gabriela Iacovano Sabrina Imbler Yu Inamoto Luca Inamoto-Martinez Owen Iverson Carmen Jansons Carly Jefferson William Jefferson Abigail Jimenez Phoenix Jimenez Liz Johnson Christopher Jordan Lola Jourdan Rupal Kakkad Julia Kaplan Samuel Kaplan Atsushi Karino Michika Karino Naoko Karino Gemma Keam Simon Keyes Christine Kim Mikhail Kim Bethany Kivin Elihu Kover Dominika Ksel Anna Kuflik Nicole Kugel Gabriela Lage Oriana Leckert Junu Lee Jon Leland Mark Lennihan Berta Leon Beatrice Lesser Xiao Li Amy Liang Zifeng Liang Heidi Lintzen Hayley Litchfield Oscar Lloyd Victoria Long Rebecca Lopez-Anido Stephanie Loria Lillian Lugo Jess Lynch Meghan Magee Matthew Mahoney Altrim Mamuti Ryan Mandelbaum Alex Marinides Paola Martinez Gates McCallister Shane McGrogan Sandra McKee Monica Mercola Caroline Minchew Franco Montalto Nicolo Montalto Leah Moon Camila Morales Diane Morris Mari Murillo Alek Negron Luka Negron Sebastian Negron Sophia Nielsen Erik Nilson Sanaz Nosrat David Nussbaum Lisa Nussbaum Diana O'Hare James O'Hare Olive O'Neill Susie Oh Carol Ourivio Mitchell Overfield Breanna Owen Kyunglee Park Dash Parker Kristom Parson Paula Paterniti Travis Paz Hip Forde Sofia Paz Sedano Ralph Pena Efua Peterson James Petrich Nicole Peyrafitte Laura Piazza Dan Piselli Lorenzo Piselli Jenny Poole Elizabeth Powers Sarah Quigley Justine Raymond Lisa Reeves Jody Reiss Vanella Richardson Ella Riley-Adams Rose Rimler Fox Rinne Jessica Rivera Effie Robakis Amanda Rolle Christopher Roman Sage Saccio Colby Sain Sophie Sandler Jaume Sanllehi Leon Jordi Sanllehi Leon Pau Sanllehi Leon Mindy R Schiffman Locke Schloss Claire Schnatterbeck Nicole Schultheis Gil Schwartz Salpy Semerdjian Minty Shah Nix Sharp Diane Shaw Sandro Sherrod Lilienne Shore Kilgore-Brown Chelsea Smith Benjamin Solotaire Vivek Sriram Filip Stabrowski Joaquin Stabrowski Sayuri Stabrowski Steven Steinberg Joel Straley Lauryn Tacoronte Alika Tandon Vieira Matthew Tang Stephen Tateishi Oliver Taylor Robert Till Lenora Todaro Liam Tsao Jasmin Tsui Merry Tu Alexander Udis Noyuri Umezaki James Uphues Ima Valledor Elizabeth van der Els Ryan Van Manen Chase Verhaaren Molly Verhaaren Margaret Victor Teddy Vincent Loretta Violante Rebecca Vitale Margaret Vossler Jael Wagener Lauren Walker Benjamin Warner Karen Weingarten Ansel Weingarten Frost Rebecca Wertheimer Bryley Williams Genevieve Wollenbecker Emme Woodward Michelle Yan Everett Yang Charlotte Young Richard Young Ariel Yuan Rebeca Zaglul Dawn Zeman
2023 Christmas Bird Count participants tallying birds at the northeast corner of Central Park. Photo: NYC Bird Alliance
2023 Christmas Bird Count participants tallying birds at the northeast corner of Central Park. Photo: NYC Bird Alliance
Community Science Bird Surveys
Through community science bird surveys, NYC Bird Alliance volunteers contribute to scientific knowledge that helps protect birds. The Audubon Christmas Bird Count, conducted since 1900, is one of the most important of these efforts. NYC Bird Alliance coordinates the Lower Hudson Count Circle, which includes all of Manhattan and parts of New Jersey. (Separate counts are also coordinated by birding clubs in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island.) A smaller team of birders has helped establish Governors Island as an important migration stopover site. 

Audubon Christmas Bird Count

Patricia Aakre Olivia Acuff Raffia Ahmed Emily Altschul Ethan Altschul Kurt Altschul Sonya Anand Vikrant Anand Emily Anderson Isabel Ang Linda Armstrong Peter Arndtsen Karen Asakawa Alicia Aucoin Mary Bahl Harriet Bailey Lucinda Ballantyne Kristen Bancroft Lauren Barette Jennifer Barnette Annie Barry Sarah Bassett Julian Batista Marcella Baum Loyan Beausoleil Michelle Becerra Jennifer Beirne Peter Belamarich Ian Bell Clair Beltran Becky Benett Karen Benfield Alison Beringer Heidi Berman Amanda Bielskas Cooper Bittner Rich Bittner Stephanie Bittner Mary Blanton Maggie Block Valerie Block Aaron Bloom Elise Boeger MaryJane Boland Christopher Borowik Ed Borowik JP Borum Stephen Boscolo Dane Boss Shira Boss Gibran Boyce Jun Boykin Diane Bresee Lindsay Brett Regina Burke Jack Burkhalter Jennifer Burko Katherine Bussman Wendy Byrne Marcus Caceres Zoe Cain Amy Campbell-Oates Ryan Candee Christian Carlson Sophie Carman Caroline Carney Hannah Cast Sam Cedarbaum Susan Ceely Amghy Chacon Rebecca Chaisson Meeka Charles Ken Chaya Gigi Chen Kyla Cheung Winston Chite Kasia Chmielinski Cynthia Chris Prathima Christdas Christine Cieslak Ian Cleary Joanne Coco Peter Cohen Richard Cohn Charissa Collazo Lorraine Collazo Jane E Colvin Brandon Conlon Michael Consoli Robert Coover Laura Cowan John Coyle Bruce Crain Owen Crain Lee Crawford Mark Crawford Adolfo Cuevas Jessica D'Onofrio Dale Dancis Emina Darakjy Jasper Davidoff Richard Davis Eric de Lemos Christina Delfico Wolfgang Demisch Preeti Desai Alice Deutsch David Diaz Mads Dickman Louise Diedrich B.G. Dilworth Paulina do Amaral Carolyn Dobbs Jean Dommermuth Tammy Douglas Noreen Dean Dresser Eliana Drier Alicia Driscoll Mark Driscoll Alan Drogin Ryan Drum Marcella Durand Kevin Dwyer Kristin Ellington Rachel Emmet Doug Ensel David Esselman Deven Esselman Blake Evans Linda Fabrizio Rachel Falk Kathleen Farley Nancy Fava Jon Febre Elisa Fernandez Katherine Figueroa Katherine Finn Tom Fiore Dan Fishman Leslie Mireille Fiske Camillus Fitzpatrick Emma Flood Megan Flores Jessica Floyd Linda Freeman Michael Fried Robert Fu Ken Fuji Karen Fung Nicole Furst Ed Gaillard Emily Gill Adele Gotlib Victor Graham Morgan Grant Shawn Grant Darvia Grayson Elsa Grayson Marc Grayson Yva Grayson Allen Greene Karina Greene Paul Greischar Ruby Grewal Tenaya Griffin Sujaan Grimson Jules Gross Natalie Gruposso Marshall Guo Sema Gurun Rebecca Hahn Boris Halov Nikolay Halov Julie Hanft Peter Hanington Corey Hannigan Martha Harbison Charlotte Harding Audrey Hawkins Ellie Heller Sean Henwood Kate Hinds Katherine Hochschild Anthony Hoets Steve Holleran Claus Holzapfel Doug Honsey Kirsten Hopkins Sydney Horan Florian Hottier Nadege Hottier Christopher Howard Judith Howard Natalie Howe Stan Inct Lindsay Iserman Laura Jacobs Juan Jesus Jill Ji Daniel Jimeuez Bronwen Job Allie John Scott John Jamie Johnson Michelle Johnson Nic Johnson Ashley Jones Maria Jose Falcon Jenifar Joyce Jane Jubilee Nick Kaledin Danny Karlson Emily Kautman Doug Kenney Sarah Kenney Cheryl Khimji Maureen Khoo Sue Kim Jeffrey Kimball Hannah Kirshenbaum Annie Klein John Knoernschild Michelle Knoernschild James Knox Mary Beth Kooper Alma Korein Sashka Korzenska Jackie Kraemer David Krauss Lily Kunkel Linda LaBella Liz Ladino Peralta Molly Laflesh Ariel Lai Sheng Lai Vicki Lai Fletcher Laico Cristina Lalama Darline Lalanne Lucinda Lam Alexa Landres Ricki Lane Richard Lau Anne Lazarus Kyu Lee Nim Lee Tessa Lee Emily Leggat Alan D. Levine Sandra Levine Sara Levine Julia Li Mercedes Li Tina Li Sam Lilly Wren Logan Oliver Lopez Brandon Michael Lowden Ronald Lulov Natalia Lutterman Chris Lyons Daniel Ma Mia MacDonald Lauren Maclise Beatrice Maloney Mariah Marasco Shayna Marchese Florence Marcisak Patrick Markee Elias Markee-Ratner Julia Martinez E.J. McAdams Layne McArdle Lloyd McCullough Douglas McEachern Kelly McGarry Laura McKinnon Karen McLaughlin Lisa McMonagle Judith Medwin Griffin Meert Doug Mestanza Edie Meyer Erin Christdas Meyer Keith Michael Susan Migliaccio Em Miller Lisa Miller Deborah Mills AJ Minogue Jennifer Minogue Ursula Mitra Mads Moore Doris Moreira Douek Malcolm Morris Ariana Moscote-Freire Pratik Mukherjee Deborra Mullins Maura Murphy Patrick Murphy Maddie Murray Sheryl Nelson Tyler Neubauer Heidi Ng Elizabeth Norman Luke O'Brien Aidan O'Keefe Tim O'Leary Johnson Obando Sara Oger Adrianna Ogiba Todd Olson Diego Orlanski Yvonne Ortiz Luca Ours Jennifer Palmer Sam Palmer Elizabeth Parades Kamryn Parker Ryan Parker Emma Paske Daniel Pausic Kenelma Perez Eva Perez de Vega Daniel Picard Pamela Poland Steve Pontillo Chad Powell Sandra Power Patty Powers Tristan Alex Pressman Jeannette Price Hugo Prince Karen Prince Alison Quammie Daniel Rabuzzi Miriam Rakowski Neel Ramakrishnan Shannon Randall Sarah Ratsimbazafy Isabel Ray Lisa Reeves Ellen Renstrom Penny Retica Dominic Ricci Marion Riedel David Ringer Nicole Rissio Anne Ritter Desiree Rodriguez Dominick Rodriguez Kellye Rosenheim Leala Rosenheim Marissa Rossi Martin Rowe Jaclyn Ruedisueli Hilary Russ Asher Sadock Ben Sadock Purbita Saha Samir Sahdev Sandra Schein Diane Schenker Mindy Schiffman Gillian Schmitt Todd Schnack Mirko Schoenitz Daniel Schwartz Alexandra Scuro Carmello Setlabert Robyn Shepherd Yeree Shim Fariah Siddigui Elaine Silber Georgia Silvera Seamans Amy Simmons Arjen Singh Kevin Sisco Olivia Smith Steven Sonnenblick Jordan Spindel Wendy Star Cara Stofa Michael Stubblefield Rashida Sykes Daniel Tainow Chris Takacs John Taranu Candace Thomas Sophie Thompson Jesika Tixi Noriko Tokuya Shaindel Tomasovitch Victoria Tong Jack Train Jeffrey Train Otys Train Bill Tucker Amelia Tuminera Anne Ugarte Madeleine Ugarte Cecilia Verdejo Quintana Taylor Villahermosa Michael Waldron Paula Waldron Derek Walker Tom Warner Sally Weiner Lisa Wenich Susan Werman Levy Haley Wetherington Sean White Claudine Williams Jennie Willink Stephanie Winters Kate Wodell Dakota Wolf Janet Wooten Moni Woweries Marj Wright Rick Wright Nat Xu Everett Yang Yu Yang Erin Yokoi D Bruce Yolton Ella Zafra Jay Zemann Mary Ann Zovko John Zucker Ryan Zucker Andrea Zuckerman
Lights Out advocates participate in a rally at City Hall to support Lights Out legislation. Photo: NYC Bird Alliance
Lights Out advocates participate in a rally at City Hall to support Lights Out legislation. Photo: NYC Bird Alliance
Advocacy and Outreach
NYC Bird Alliance relies on a grassroots network of volunteers to expand our impact in engaging the City's residents in learning about birds and urban biodiversity, and then encouraging New Yorkers to take action to protect them.

Avian Advocates

Our Avian Advocates are the core strength of NYC Bird Alliance's growing advocacy program. This grassroots network raises their voices to protect birds by sending emails, writes post cards, speaks to the public at outreach events, attends rallies, and testifies before the New York City Council on behalf of the City's birds. In recent years, the work of these volunteers has enabled passage of New York City's milestone bird-friendly building law and important Lights Out legislation. We now have nearly 2,500 advocacy volunteers on our Avian Advocates email list! 

Young Conservationists Council

The Young Conservationists Council fosters a love of the City’s diverse ecosystem in the next generation of New Yorkers through lectures, trivia nights, Flappy Hours, and bioblitzes. Events are free for NYC Bird Alliance Young Conservationist members.

Josh Aromin Zachary Azrael Tim Healy Simon Keyes Ryan F. Mandelbaum Efua Peterson

Engagement & Education

Volunteers help us inspire a love of birds and nature with NYC's diverse communities at events and classes around the City. In 2024, engagement volunteers joined us on Governors Island to help us on days full of activities such as our H-OWL-oween Costume Contest, assisted us in tabling for festivals such as Raptorama and Monarch Mania, and supported our Feathered Friends education program with AmPark Neighborhood School students in the Bronx.

Michelle Byron Michelle Davis Forrest Gehring Michele Genn Kathy Golder Anita Haravon Aly Hilgefort Nick Kaledin Faye Kilsten Rubin Koxha Michelle Lee Jaqui O’Shaghnessy Philip Ribolow Anne Ribolow Vicki Seabrook Joe Spiegel Kathleen Williamson Brad Wolchansky Emily Zhou

The Urban Bird Call

The Urban Bird Call, NYC Bird Alliance's quarterly print publication, shares updates on our conservation and advocacy work and explores many bird-related topics.

Ned Boyajian Suzanne Charlé Diane Darrow Mary Jane Kaplan Matthew Kleiner Lauren Klingsberg Sara Kross Hillarie O'Toole Carol Peace Robins Don Riepe Phil Roosevelt Kellye Rosenheim Wynn Senning Benjamin Van Doren Mike Yuan


NYC Bird Alliance's communications outreach benefits from the generosity of local nature and bird photographers who donate their work.

Winston Qin
Volunteer Michelle Talich (left) helps bidders at the 2023 Fall Roost silent auction. Photo: Cyrus Gonzeles
Volunteer Michelle Talich (left) helps bidders at the 2023 Fall Roost silent auction. Photo: Cyrus Gonzeles
The Fall Roost
The annual Fall Roost, NYC Bird Alliance's most significant fundraising initiative to support our conservation work, recognizes individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the conservation of the City's birds and their habitats. The 2024 Fall Roost, celebrated at Tavern on the Green, raised nearly $400,000 for our scientific research, advocacy, and outreach. This great success was due in large part to the hard work of our Roost co-chairs and volunteers.

Fall Roost Co-Chairs

MaryJane Boland Pepper Evans Catherine Heller Jenny Maritz Valerie Masten Vivek Sriram Sharon Weidberg
NYC Bird Alliance board members attend a Kestrel Circle birding event at Brooklyn Bridge Park. Photo: NYC Bird Alliance
NYC Bird Alliance board members attend a Kestrel Circle birding event at Brooklyn Bridge Park. Photo: NYC Bird Alliance
Board and Advisory Council
NYC Bird Alliance is thankful to its board of directors and advisory council, two groups of diverse and dynamic volunteers that steer the organization's work by offering guidance in a wide range of issues. Get to know the members of our board of directors and advisory council

We're also grateful to our adjunct committee members, who provide support and expertise for the working committees of our board and staff. Those committee members not also on the board or advisory council are listed below. 

Adjunct Committee and Task Force Members

Melissa Breyer Tim Healy Jamie Johnson Barbara Leatherwood Mia MacDonald Ryan F Mandelbaum Lisa Manne Bob Perciasepe David J Ringer Tony Sclafani Noah Sumait Shino Tankawa Alex Zablocki